About Robert

bio head shotWelcome, and thank you for visiting my site!

I have been creating art in various forms for over 20 years, including stained glass, music, theater, and painting. My current preferred medium is, as you can see, painting.

I have been painting with since 2011. My subjects have ranged from legendary entertainment figures like Johnny Cash, Burt Reynolds, and TuPac Shakur to landscapes and even abstract “poured” paintings.

I live and work in Raleigh, North Carolina. Inspiration is plentiful in NC, from the amazing timeless beauty of the Appalachian mountains, to the powerful along our eastern shore. Of course, in the 21st century, we are all part of the global village, so thee days my inspiration can come from almost anywhere.

I am a self-taught painter, finding early motivation in the immortal Bob Ross, as well as Frank Clarke, Roger Bansemer, Jerry Yarnell, and Paul Clark.

I began trying to sell my work in 2013. Notice the use of the word try. I have sold pieces over the years from art shows, exhibitions, my online presence, and commissions.

My goal is to create affordable art that brings the viewer pleasure for years to come.

If you have any questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to contact me through this site, or by email at nippervilleart@yahoo.com. If I receive an e-mail from you, I will notify you of the art shows I attend, or special projects I am working on in the future.

I would like to extend a special thanks to anyone visiting my site that received a hand-painted bookmark from me. Again, thanks for visiting, and  hurry back!